Telecommuting: should we continue to work with traditional offices?

Il n’y a pas de réponse facile lorsqu’il s’agit de télétravail. Si le travail à domicile présente de nombreux avantages, tels qu’une flexibilité et une liberté accrues, il comporte également des inconvénients. Tout d’abord, le télétravail peut entraîner un sentiment d’isolement, car les employés se sentent souvent déconnectés de leurs collègues. De plus, le travail à domicile peut être difficile pour les managers qui doivent suivre les progrès des employés et pour les membres de l’équipe qui doivent collaborer régulièrement.

En fin de compte, la question de savoir si le télétravail convient ou non à votre entreprise dépend d’une série de facteurs. Tenez compte des besoins de votre entreprise et de vos employés, et pesez soigneusement le pour et le contre avant de prendre une décision.

Lorsqu’il s’agit de télétravail, il y a quelques points que vous devez garder à l’esprit. Premièrement, le télétravail peut entraîner un sentiment d’isolement chez les employés. Ensuite, il peut être difficile de suivre les progrès des employés et de permettre aux membres de l’équipe de collaborer régulièrement. En fin de compte, la pertinence du télétravail pour votre entreprise dépend d’une série de facteurs. Tenez compte des besoins de votre entreprise et de vos employés, et pesez soigneusement le pour et le contre avant de prendre une décision.

The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the way people work. Today, many companies are forced to impose a new way of working on their employees. Even for the self-employed, it is more necessary than ever to adopt telecommuting if you want to remain productive despite the crisis. However, working from home is not an easy thing to do. It is essential to equip yourself with adapted furniture such as standing desks which can allow you to gain in comfort, useful to be always in shape. Indeed, standing desks are becoming more and more popular in homes to facilitate telecommuting. This is for a good reason: those who use them manage to vary their posture to prevent health problems and increase performance.

What is a standing desk?

Also known as height adjustable desks, Standing desks have recently become very popular in homes due to the new form of work imposed by the coronavirus health crisis: telecommuting. In use, standing desks allow you to vary your posture while you work. Indeed, the simple fact of being able to switch from sitting to standing and vice versa during working hours has many advantages. Standing desks can be adjusted electrically or manually by means of a crank or gas lift in just a few minutes. Investing in a standing desk is particularly worthwhile, as it prevents back problems, increases your performance, concentration and motivation level. In addition, it allows you to reduce the amount of inactive time spent sitting.

Numerous studies have shown that sedentary lifestyles are responsible for as many deaths as smoking. According to a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Researchers reported that people who spent long hours sitting during the day had up to a 66 % chance of developing certain types of cancer compared to non-sedentary people.

Similarly, it is reported that "61 % of French employees spend more than ¾ of their working time in the office". This sedentary lifestyle would lead to strong muscle degeneration, back pain, varicose veins and even heart disease and diabetes. Indeed, the human body's basal metabolic rate slows to 90 % after 30 minutes of sitting. As a result, the enzymes involved in regulating cholesterol levels slow down, and the muscles in the lower part of the body rest. After 2 hours of sitting at the office, the level of "good cholesterol" drops by 20 % and for the levels to return to normal, you need 5 minutes in a standing position. In view of these analyses, it is easy to understand the advantage of adopting standing desks at home to facilitate telecommuting and ensure the maintenance of good health.

What can you actually do with a standing desk?

If you are not used to working at a standing workstation, it is obvious that you find the practice difficult. However, working in such a position is still easy. It's all a matter of habit. Anything you are used to doing while sitting can also be done while standing.

To get there, you will have to go gradually from a sitting to a standing position when you are telecommuting. For a start, try taking phone calls while standing on the desk. You can also do short internet searches, process mail, read notes, etc. This way, the change of habit can be done gradually. Over time, you will find that the change from standing to sitting will come naturally. Once you get into the habit of alternating your position while working at home, it will be easier for you to perform administrative work or other professional obligations that you are used to doing exclusively while sitting at your workstation.

To recognize a standing desk, you must take into account the NF EN 527-1 standard which distinguishes 3 cases for the height of a work surface:

  • The fixed height desk: between 72 and 75 cm;
  • The desk with adjustable height: between 73 and 85 cm;
  • The sitting desk : between 68 and 135 cm.

If you manage to spend 20 % of your day standing instead of sitting, it's good for your body: hence the interest of standing desks for your health if you are telecommuting. Indeed, the human body is not made to remain in a sitting position all day long. The sit-stand desk option is one of the best alternatives. There are various models of worktops: manual or electronic height adjustable worktops, standing work platforms to be installed on the desk, etc. which offer many advantages.

Standing desk: beneficial for curbing back pain and reducing the risk of heart disease

Almost all adults will experience back pain at some point in their lives. For workers who sit all day, this complaint is much greater. By switching to a standing desk, you are more likely to reduce neck and upper back pain.

According to a 1953 study of bus driversIn the study, those who habitually stood all day had half the risk of death from heart disease as drivers who sat all day. In sum, when you adopt a sedentary lifestyle, you increase the risk of cardiovascular mortality by 90 % and the risk of cardiovascular events by 147 %.

Reduced risk of weight gain and obesity

The risk of weight gain increases when you spend more time working while sitting. Rather than sitting, opt for a height-adjustable desk that can help you burn calories per hour. By working from home on a height adjustable desk, you burn a significant amount of calories every hour.

Furthermore, according to the opinions of health professionals, standing for long minutes after lunch would reduce workers' blood sugar levels significantly compared to the same time spent sitting. In addition to this, when you alternate between sitting and standing every 30 minutes, you reduce peak blood glucose levels by an average of 11.1 %. In short, a standing desk lowers blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Save time with standing desks

With height adjustable desks, you are sure to increase efficiency at work; which will help you save on your work time. Indeed, when you gain efficiency, it saves you time in the long run. The direct consequence is that you won't have to go to the doctor for office visits, because you won't have back pain or other aches caused by your permanent sitting position. As a result, the investment in a sit-stand desk for telecommuting is more an investment in your health. It is also to gain efficiency in your work.

Moreover, by working in a standing position your brain activity increases. This way, you can make better and faster decisions, even after a long working day. The standing desk is therefore very advantageous for work requiring a high level of concentration.

In summary, choosing a standing desk offers many benefits:

  • Fatigue reduction;
  • Concentration and speed of reactivity;
  • Time saving;
  • Improved brain performance;
  • Less pain in the upper back and legs;
  • Reduction of neck tension;
  • Good motivation and better job satisfaction;
  • Etc.

Choosing the right standing desk

When choosing your standing desk, it is best to choose an adjustable work surface that allows you to stand in a neutral posture with your computer 50 to 70 cm from your eyes and tilted so that you are not dazzled. A standing desk should allow you to read your screen while looking straight ahead or slightly down. It is essential that your elbows are at a 90° angle.

In addition to the benefits of standing, using a standing desk does not require you to be constantly on your feet. The goal is to alternate sitting and standing positions to maximize the use of this work surface in a well-designed environment. By choosing a standing desk, you are not only taking advantage of yourself, but it is also a productivity booster especially if you have to work from home.


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