Observalgerie April 2024

Observalgerie décembre 2016

Au mois de décembre 2016, un total de 12 heures d’observationgerie ont été réalisées. L’objectif de ces observations était de collecter des données sur le comportement des élèves dans la classe et d’identifier tout problème potentiel devant être traité. Ce qui suit est un résumé des résultats de ces observations.

Dans l’ensemble, les élèves semblaient engagés dans leur travail et se comportaient de manière appropriée pour la plupart. Il y a eu quelques cas où les élèves parlaient à tort et à travers ou ne prêtaient pas attention, mais ces cas n’étaient pas excessifs et n’ont pas interféré de manière significative avec l’enseignement.

La majorité des élèves semblaient répondre aux attentes concernant leur travail, et ceux qui ne le faisaient pas semblaient faire de leur mieux. Il y avait quelques élèves qui semblaient avoir du mal avec la matière, mais ils semblaient faire de leur mieux et faire des progrès.

Dans l’ensemble, l’atmosphère de la classe était positive et propice à l’apprentissage. Les élèves étaient respectueux les uns envers les autres et envers l’enseignant, et il y avait un bon niveau de coopération entre les camarades de classe.

Aucun problème majeur n’a été identifié au cours de ces observations et, dans l’ensemble, la classe semble bien se porter. Il y a toujours des domaines qui peuvent être améliorés, mais dans l’ensemble, les élèves semblent être engagés dans leur apprentissage et se comporter de manière appropriée. Continuez à faire du bon travail !

What is the oldest city in Algeria?

What is the oldest city in Algeria?

Constantine, en Algérie, est l’une des plus anciennes villes du monde. Fondée par les Phéniciens, elle devint, sous le nom de Cirta, la capitale de l’empire numide.

Quelle est la plus belle ville d’Algérie ? Parmi les plus belles villes d’Algérie, il convenait de citer Ghardaïa. A l’intérieur des terres, cette ville est considérée comme la capitale de la vallée du Mzab, et la capitale de l’état de Ghardaïa. Bien plus qu’une destination touristique de choix, la ville est à couper le souffle et d’une beauté fascinante.

What is the cleanest city in Algeria?

Algiers, the capital of Algeria, is the cleanest city in the world.

Where is it good to live in Algeria?

The Algerian capital, Algiers, ranked 13th (out of 14) among the world's largest livelihoods in the recent year 2021 listed by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), making Algiers the fifth most populous city in the world.

What is the cleanest city in Algeria?

Setif wins the prize of the clean city in Algeria.

What is the old name of Algiers?

Ancien nom : El-Djézaïr, nom arabe signifiant (Îles) et son nom phénicien Ikosium signifie une île des mers.

What is the former name of Algeria?

Ce nom algérien moderne a été inventé par les Français au stade du maréchal Soult en 1837, remplaçant l’ancien nom des « objets français en Afrique du Nord ». Il est dérivé du nom de la capitale, Alger (déformation de l’arabe Al Djezaïr).

Who are the ancestors of the Algerians?

Homo erectus (standing man), sometimes called atlanthrope (man of the Atlas), must have existed a million years ago in a region corresponding to the north of Algeria, in the current southern oases -oranaises, and in the Sahara, in the Hoggar and especially in. Tassili Azjer.

What is the first city in Algeria?

# City Agglomerated population 2008
01 Algiers 2 364 230
02 Oran 803 329
03 Constantin 448 028
04 Annaba 342 703

What is the best city in Algeria?

What is the best city in Algeria?

Tlemcen, Algerian pearl Nicknamed the "pearl of the Maghreb", this city has a rich history, but also a wonderful tradition.

What is the most popular city in Algeria?

Where is it good to live in Algeria?

The Algerian capital, Algiers, ranked 13th (out of 14) among the world's largest livelihoods in the recent year 2021 listed by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), making Algiers the fifth most populous city in the world.

What is the cleanest city in Algeria?

Algiers, the capital of Algeria, is the cleanest city in the world.

What is the largest city in Algeria?

Table of the metropolitan area Algiers with a population of three thousand inhabitants (January 1, 2009) (more than 4,000,000 of Greater Algiers) represents 11 % of the world population.

What is the largest village in Kabylia?

Takerboust opens on a large part of the Oued Sahel; Mount Lalla-Khadîdja thinks about it from the west. its soil is used for agriculture. It ends at about 900 m of altitude. Its volume exceeded 25 000 souls.

Who were the first inhabitants of Algeria?

Who were the first inhabitants of Algeria?

Gabriel Martinez-Gros : It is a tradition to remember the Berbers* as the first settlers of North Africa, who came out of the shade when they wrote and appeared there, in the first half of the millennium before our era, with Carthage.

What was Algeria called before 1830? In French, the country was chosen, before 1830, under various names: "Barbarie", "El Djezaïr", "Numidie", "Afrique", "Royaume d'Alger", etc.

What was Algeria called before 1930?

Ottoman Algeria, from 1516 to 1830.

What was Algeria called in Roman times?

Eastern Numidia then regained its status as a Roman province under the name of Africa Nova. Juba II will then be installed on the Mauritanian throne, which preserves the territories of Western Numidia and reigns there until 23 years.

What is the former name of Algeria?

Ce nom algérien moderne a été inventé par les Français au stade du maréchal Soult en 1837, remplaçant l’ancien nom des « objets français en Afrique du Nord ». Il est dérivé du nom de la capitale, Alger (déformation de l’arabe Al Djezaïr).

Who are the ancestors of the Kabyles?

The Kabyles of the Babors (Béjaïa, Jijel, Sétif) are from two Berber tribes, Kutamas (under the Fatimid tribe), and Sanhadja (under the Hammadid tribe).

Do the Kabyles descend from the Vikings?

"The Vikings are the ancestors of the Kabyles! And according to some, a large part of the inhabitants of the region of Tizi Ouzou with the blue eyes and the soft skin would be resulting from the reproduction of the people of the north of Europe, centuries ago.

What is the difference between Kabyle and Berber?

The Berbers or Amazighs, called the "free men", are the ancient inhabitants of North Africa. The Kabyles are one of the tribes that make up the Berber people, a people scattered over nine different lands.

Who are the ancestors of the Algerians?

For Herodotus, the settlers of present-day Algeria included the Libyans, who migrated south of a line formed by the Algerian and Tunisian chotis, who lived to the north.

How to know if you have Algerian origins?

It is necessary to contact the commissions in Algeria with registers. The Algerian national libraries also have registers on microfiche.

What is the ethnic origin of Algerians?

Algeria is therefore the predominant Berber language, either Arabic or Berber. The Berbers are the ancient inhabitants of North Africa whose history we know.

Which Empire dominated Algeria before 1830?

Which Empire dominated Algeria before 1830?

Before the French conquest in 1830, the regency of Algiers and Tunis was part of the Ottoman Empire.

Which is the richest country between France and Algeria?

Which is the richest country between France and Algeria?

Nigeria also stands out as the richest African country in the world, according to the International Monetary Fund, with a GDP of $555 billion in 2022. This figure is growing by 2.7 % per year and puts the country in 26th place in the ranking of the world's richest countries.

Which country is the richest in 2022? Globalization and GDP: The 10 richest countries in the world by 2022. In the first round of globalization, unsurprisingly, we find the United States with a GDP of $24,796 billion. It has increased by 5.20 %, compared to 2021.

Which is the richest country between France and Algeria?

Nigeria is, once again, the richest country in Africa, according to the International Monetary Fund, with a GDP of $555 billion in 2022.

Who is the biggest between Algeria and France?

The largest country in Africa, Algeria is twice the size of France. A distance of 1,500 to 2,000 km separates Algiers from the southern border, along the Saharan border of Mauritania, Mali, Niger and Libya. But the Algerian region did not provide homogeneity.

What is the wealth of Algeria?

Algeria manufactures metals and metals, precious metals such as gold and silver, industrial minerals including barite, bentonite, cement, crushed stone, stone, gypsum, helium, limestone, marble, nitrogen fertilizers, phosphate, pozzolan, quartz, salt and sand. .

Who is the biggest between Algeria and France?

The largest country in Africa, Algeria is twice the size of France. A distance of 1,500 to 2,000 km separates Algiers from the southern border, along the Saharan border of Mauritania, Mali, Niger and Libya. But the Algerian region did not provide homogeneity.

Which is the most beautiful country between France and Algeria?

Considered by many as the most beautiful country in the world, New Zealand is an island in Oceania. The country is made up of two large islands and many islands.

What is the former name of Algeria?

The name "Algiers" would be derived from the Catalan Aljer, which would be originally derived from Djezaïr, the name given to Bologhine ibn Ziri, son of Ziri Ibn Menad, founder of the Berber tribe of the Zirides, when he built the city in 960 on the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Icosium, Djez'na Beni.

What is the wealth of Algeria?

Algeria manufactures metals and metals, precious metals such as gold and silver, industrial minerals including barite, bentonite, cement, crushed stone, stone, gypsum, helium, limestone, marble, nitrogen fertilizers, phosphate, pozzolan, quartz, salt and sand. .

What is the first wealth of Algeria?

Gas and oil account for 96% of its exports, about half of its GDP and 60% of the national budget, according to the World Bank. These resources are valuable to the Algerian government.

Is Algeria a rich country?

Algeria is a rich country... at the macroeconomic level. Its GDP is higher than that of Portugal, Denmark, the United Arab Emirates or Hungary. Natural gas and, to a lesser extent, oil have led the country to reduce and build up foreign exchange reserves.

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