Creating an association: what are the steps to take?

There are a few steps to follow to create an association between two objects

Tout d’abord, les objets doivent être déclarés comme des instances de la même classe. Ensuite, l’association doit être créée en utilisant le mot clé « association » suivi du nom de la classe. Enfin, les objets doivent être liés entre eux à l’aide de l’opérateur « dot ».

Par exemple, si nous avons une classe « Personne » et que nous voulons créer une association entre deux instances de cette classe, nous devons d’abord écrire :

class Person {

// attributes and methods go here


Ensuite, nous créerions l’association en utilisant la syntaxe suivante :

association person ;

Enfin, nous lions les deux objets à l’aide de l’opérateur point :

person.object1 = new Person() ; // crée l’objet1

person.object2 = new Person() ; // crée l’objet 2

// relie l’objet 1 et l’objet 2

person.object1.nextPerson = person.object2

person.object2.previousPerson = person.object1 ;

While the number of volunteers is constantly decreasing, the number of associations is increasing in France. You wish to create a association? You need a good foundation to keep your association going. Here's how to start a sustainable association.

Start by preparing the small details

In general, we tend to rush through the administrative procedures, forgetting the small details. However, these will eventually catch up with you along the way. It is therefore better to take care of them from the beginning.

What are the requirements for creating an association?

The requirements for forming an association are set out in the law 1901. In summary, the association must involve at least 2 people aged 16 years minimum and their projects must be goal no lucrative.

Non-profit refers to the fact that the association must not have as its purpose goal finalthe realization of benefits financial. If this is your goal, you should create a company.

What is a membership card?

This is the document that certifies a person's membership in your association. It may be perceived as non-urgent, but the completion of the membership card is important. Don't wait until the last minute to do it. It will only give your association more credibility and rigor.

Prepare administrative documents

This involves drafting the association's statutes and establishing a list of members.

Drafting the association's statutes

When declaring your association, you will have to provide a document mentioning :

  • the name and purpose of the association;
  • the address of its registered office;
  • its lifespan and planned missions;
  • its functioning, type of members and resources ;
  • clauses relating to possible amendments or dissolution;
  • internal regulations and membership rules.

This set of documents is referred to as the association's bylaws.

Designate the members of the association

It is essentially to designate the president from the associationthe treasurer (responsible for financial management) and the secretary (in charge of the administrative management).

Declare the association to the prefecture

The prefecture or sub-prefecture where your association will be declared depends on the headquarters social chosen. This declaration can be made either by filling in the paper form Cerfa n° 13973*03 relating to the declaration of creation and Cerfa n° 13971*03 relating to the list of directors. You can also proceed by teledeclaration (declaration on the website of the prefecture). Do not forget to add the drafted statutes and the minutes of the constitutive General Assembly.

You will then receive a positive or negative opinion from the prefecture or sub-prefecture. In case of a negative opinion, you will have to re-do the declaration paying attention to the remarks. A positive opinion will be given to you through a receipt of declaration of association containing an RNA number, making your associative activities legal.

You will then receive either a positive or negative opinion. In case of a negative opinion, you will have to re-do the declaration paying attention to the remarks. A positive opinion will be given to you through a receipt of declaration of association containing an RNA number (making your associative activities legal).

Creation of an association: publish the association in the official journal

The closure of the procedure is done by the publication in the official journal of associations. The request for publication is issued by the prefecture at the same time as the receipt of declaration. This step costs 44 euros, administrative costs including.

However, if the subject of the publication exceeds 1000 characters, the bill is more like 150 euros.

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