How to choose your gate ?

Lorsque vous installez un portail, il est important de choisir le bon. Le type de portail dont vous avez besoin dépend de l’usage que vous en faites. Si vous cherchez une barrière pour empêcher votre animal de rentrer ou pour empêcher les gens d’entrer, vous aurez besoin d’une barrière différente de celle que vous utiliserez pour empêcher vos enfants de sortir ou pour empêcher des objets d’entrer dans une pièce.

Si vous n’êtes pas sûr du type de barrière dont vous avez besoin, il y a quelques éléments à prendre en compte. La première est la largeur de l’ouverture que vous souhaitez bloquer. Les barrières existent en différentes largeurs, veillez donc à en choisir une suffisamment large. La deuxième chose à prendre en compte est la hauteur de l’ouverture. Les portails existent également en différentes hauteurs, veillez donc à en choisir un qui soit suffisamment haut.

The last thing to consider is whether you want a pressure mounted gate or a hardware mounted gate. Pressure mounted gates are easier to install, but they may not be as strong as hardware mounted gates. Hardware mounted gates are more difficult to install, but they are stronger.

Si vous n’êtes toujours pas sûr du type de barrière dont vous avez besoin, vous pouvez toujours demander à un vendeur dans votre animalerie ou votre quincaillerie locale. Il devrait être en mesure de vous aider à choisir la barrière qui convient à vos besoins.

Lorsque vous êtes prêt à installer votre portail, veillez à suivre attentivement les instructions. Si vous n’êtes pas sûr de la marche à suivre, demandez de l’aide à un ami ou à un membre de votre famille. L’installation d’un portail n’est pas difficile, mais il vaut toujours mieux prévenir que guérir.

How to choose your gate ?

The gate is one of the essential elements to secure your home. It is a protective barrier whose purpose is to make the transition between your home and the public highway. This is why your gate must be chosen according to your needs and the constraints of your property. Moreover, the gate must be in harmony with the exterior decoration and the environment of your house. Choosing a gate is therefore a more complex task than one might think. Fortunately, there are selection criteria that allow you to make a simple and efficient choice.

Swing gate or sliding gate?


Opening a gate requires a certain amount of clearance. So, depending on the space you have, you can choose between two types of gates.

The swing gate

The swing gate usually consists of two leaves that open either inwards or outwards. The swing gate is the most common model. This solution is ideal because it allows you to install your gate at the edge of the property. Be careful, however, to provide an interior clearance to ensure the gate opens fully. The swinging gate (pulling) is compatible with an access or a street. If you plan to install this type of gate, be aware that the leaves must not encroach on the public highway when they are open.

The sliding gate

Sliding gates are ideal when you are short on space in your home. This type of gate limits the amount of space required on the driveway or in the yard while offering the possibility of more private space. Be aware, however, that this type of gate requires sufficient space for the back up and the installation of a floor track.

The question of accessories and options

Depending on how you plan to use your gate on a daily basis, the installation of certain accessories should be taken into account. Many people neglect this detail, but it is important to think about it from the beginning and to take information

on a gate motorization

for example, because some accessories can be very expensive.

Motorization of the gate

It is an opening system that allows you to get in or out of your vehicle without leaving the cabin. This motorized opening system is particularly practical when used on a daily basis, as it saves time.

Determine the dimensions of your gate

When choosing a gate, it is crucial to consider its dimensions. The dimensions of a house gate must correspond to the space available, the clearance required to open the gate and the space required for vehicles to pass through. As a general rule, the width of a gate varies between 3 meters and 3.50 meters. As for the height, it varies between 1.50 and 1.80 meters. However, it is possible to customize these measurements to suit your needs.

What about the regulations?

Many people are unaware of this, but the law is often very specific regarding the installation of gates. This is why it is necessary to ask your mayor for information. A local urbanization plan can indeed determine with precision the type of gate you install, the choice of color, the type of opening and even the shape of the gate.

Good to know!

The law often requires that certain rules be followed depending on the

type of gate installed

. When installing a motorized gate that opens onto a public road, be aware that you must also install a flashing light to alert passers-by to the exit of a vehicle.

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